Event Schedule

Jointly organized with

Tuesday 27 August 2024            Wednesday 28 August 2024           Thursday 29 August 2024

09:00-10:00  Session 14. Keynote

            Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

            Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Michelle Robertson (HSI2024 General Co-Chair, USA)

            Human Systems Integration Across the Health Care Continuum:

            Examples, Opportunities, and the Future  

            Dr. Ayse P. Gurses (Johns Hopkins University, USA)

10:00-10:15. Break & Posters

Parallel Sessions

10:15-11:45  Session 15A: Case studies: Applying HSI system engineering,

                                             cognitive models and Sociotechnical Ecosystem

          Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

          Session Chair: Ricardo Reis (Embraer, Portugal)

          10:15  Classifying conceptual models applied to develop an autonomous

                     snow-plowing system. Tommy Langen, Gerrit Muller and Kristin Falk

                     (University of South-Eastern Norway)

           10:45  Fintech and user experience: Case study of Consumer Satisfaction and

                      Consumer Protection in India’s Fintech Socio-Technical-Ecosystem.

                      Vineet Kant (Independent Researcher, India)

           11:15  Challenges in HSI planning. Yakir Yaniv (ED&U, Israel)

10:15-11:45  Session 15B: User interface and automation design

          Room: 4F 401B [Hybrid]

          Session Chair: Gopal Jani (P.P. Savani University, India)

          10:15  Human-Machine Natural Language Processing Documentation Translation

                     Technique. Bryant Beeler and Larissa Maksi (Raytheon, USA)

           10:45  Impacts of Annotator Interface Design on NLP Data Annotation Quality.

                      Eric Hsu, Thomas Mazzuchi and Shahram Sarkani (George Washington

                      University, USA)

           11:15  Human-Centered AI and Blockchain Integration: Pioneering Automation for

                      Future Design. Gopal Jani and Hitendra Shidhapura (PP Savani University,


11:45-13:15  Session 16: Lunch & Posters

Parallel Sessions

13:15-14:45  Sesson 17A: HSI Primer Volume 2 Writing Workshop

                     Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

                     Session organizer: Dimitri Masson (ESTIA Institute of Technology, France)

13:15-14:45  Sesson 17B: The development of an HSI massive open online course

                     Room: 4F 401B [Hybrid]

                     Session organizers: Yakir Yaniv, Yuval Bitan and Nirit Gavish (Israeli Human

                     Factors and Ergonomics Association)

14:45-15:00. Break & Posters

15:00-16:30  Session 18: Closing remarks

            Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

            Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Guy André Boy (INCOSE HSI WG Chair, France)

            What could be the future of HSI? Designing a roadmap, forming a joint

            IEA-INCOSE HSI Working Group, expanding our current development.

            Dr. Grace Kennedy (HSI2024 Program Co-Chair, Australia), Dr. Dimitri Masson

            (HSI2024 Paper Co-Chair, France), Dr. So Young Kim (HSI2024 General Co-Chair,

            USA), Prof. Dr. Michelle Robertson (HSI2024 General Co-Chair, USA)