Event Schedule

Jointly organized with

Tuesday 27 August 2024            Wednesday 28 August 2024           Thursday 29 August 2024

08:30-09:15  Session 1. Opening Remarks

           Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

           Session Chair: Dimitri Masson, ESTIA, France

                     - Opening Address: So Young Kim & Michelle Robertson

                        (HSI2024 General Co-Chairs)

                      - INCOSE Working Group today & HSI2024 Program: Grace Kennedy

                        (HSI2024 Program Co-Chair)

09:15-09:45. Session 2. Introduction to HSI2024 Posters

           Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

           Session Chair: Kahina Amokrane-Ferka (SystemX, France)

09:45-10:15. Break & Posters

10:15-11:45  Session 3: Artifical Intelligence: Interface and Human-Centered Design

           Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

           Session Chair: Wen-Chin Li (Cranfield University, UK)

                         Co-Chair: Dimitri Masson (ESTIA, France)

          10:15  Developing Prompts to Facilitate Generative Pre-Trained Transformer

                     Classifying Decision-Errors in Flight Operations. Wen-Chin Li, Declan

                     Saunders and Hamed Amanzadeh (Cranfield University, UK)

          10:45  Combining user centered design and system engineering to the design of a

                     generic AI-based assistant. Kahina Amokrane-Ferka, Virgil Rousseaux,

                     Matthieu Dussartre, Moustafa Zouinar and Nicolas Renoir (SystemX, France)

          11:15  A Pilot Study for Analyzing Systems Engineer-Conversational GenAl

                     Interaction: A Case Study for Re-quirements Development & Validation

                     Emilie Perreau, Romain Pinquie and Cédric Masclet (Grenoble Institute of

                     Technology, France)

11:45-13:15  Session 4: Lunch & Posters

           Room: 4F Foyer [Hybrid]

           Session Chair: Kahina Amokrane-Ferka (SystemX, France)

           A function-oriented approach for vehicle development from an HTO perspective.

           Ekin Uhri and Ingrid Isenhardt (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

           A Shared Mental Model for the Natural Human-Computer Interaction.

           Liang Zhang (University of Memphis, USA)

           Human-AI Teaming for Cockpit Assistance. Ricardo Jn dos Reis, Anaisa de Paula

           Guedes Villani, Turkan Hentati, Theodore Letouze, Jaime Diaz-Pineda, Charles Alban

           Dormoy and Jean-Marc Andre (Embraer, Portugal, and Thales & ENSC, France)

           How to present paired information on HUD interface: the effects of horizontal and

           vertical angle on object discrimination. Yan Ge (Institute of Psychology, China

           Academy of Science, China)

Parallel Sessions

13:15-14:45  Sesson 5A: Risk Assessment: Approaches, Methods and Development

          Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

          Session Chair: Elina Parviainen (IEA, HumanProcess Ltd, Finland)

          13:00  Research on Multi-Temporal Safety Assessment of Approach Control

                     System Based on Multi-Level Extensibility Evaluation Method.

                     Tingting Lu, Yaqing He and Ning Li (University College London, UK)

          13:30  Usability Challenges of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) within

                     the V-Model. Dan Perreault, Erika Gallegos, Vincent Paglioni and Thomas

                     Bradley (Colorado State University, USA)

          14:00  Risk Analysis and Mitigation of Human Interface with AI Systems to Enable

                     Responsible AI Development. Jennifer Giang and Steven Simske (Colorado

                     State University, USA)

13:15-14:45  Sesson 5B: Analyses and Approaches

          Room: 4F 401B [Hybrid]

          Session Chair: Kine Reegård (Institute for Energy Technology, Norway)

          13:00  A Context Acquisition Methodology for the Design of Complex

                     Sociotechnical Systems. Alexandre Disdier, Dimitri Masson, Marija Jankovic

                     and Guy André Boy (CentraleSupelec, ESTIA & CS Group, France)

          13:30  Function analysis for Human-Machine Teaming for semi-automated trains.

                     Yang Sun, Guy André Boy, Marc Sango and Anne Barros (CentraleSupelec

                     ESTIA & SNCF, France)

          14:00  Addressing work design in future operations of advanced nuclear reactors.

                     Kine Reegård and Asgeir Drøivoldsmo (Institute for Energy Technology, Norway)

          14:15  HSI for Enhancing Manufacturing Resilience: A Simulation-Based

                     Approach. Tero Sotamaa, Ari Teppo, Arto Reiman and Elina Parviainen

                     (University of Oulu and Human Process Consulting Ltd, Finland)

14:45-15:00. Break & Posters

15:00-16:45  Session 6: Joint Plenary

            Room: 3F Halla B [Hybrid]

            Note. This session will be common to both the IEA World Congress

                      and the INCOSE HSI Conference.

            15:00-15:45  Session 6A: INCOSE/HSI Keynote

            Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Yushi Fujita (Former President of IEA)

                     The future of HSI: Socio-ergonomics and human-AI integration

                     Prof. Dr. Guy André Boy (INCOSE HSI WG Chair)

            15:45-16:45 Session 6B: INCOSE/HSI-IEA Panel

            Session Chairs: Prof. Dr. Michelle Robertson & Dr. So Young Kim,

                                      (HSI2024 General Co-Chair, USA)

             Topic: How human factors and ergonomics specialists and system engineers  

                       can collaborate toward human systems integration?


              Panelists: Ms. Grace Kennedy, Prof. Dr. Guy André Boy, Prof. Dr. Yushi Fujita,

                               Prof. Dr. Jose Orlando Gomes, Prof. Dr. Miwa Nakanishi

Parallel Sessions

16:45-18:15  Session 7A: Aviation-1: HSI and Pilot's perspectives and roles

          Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

          Session Chair: Lei Wang (Civil Aviation University of China, China)

          16:45  Study on Structure Model of Stressors for Pilot Cadets in Flight Training

                     Based on DEMATEL-ISM. Furong Jiang and Zhaoning Zhang (Civil Aviation

                     University of China, China)

           17:15  How Pilots’ Professional Ability Influences Their Workload in Simulated

                      DPO and SPO Task. Ruiyuan Hong, Yu Tian, Mingqian Gao, Shan Gao and Lei

                      Wang (Civil Aviation University of China, China)

           17:45  From Flying to Monitoring in the Future Flight Deck: The Differences in

                      Pilot’s Perceived Mental Workload. Shan Gao, Yuanyuan Xian, Yu Bai and Lei

                      Wang (Civil Aviation University of China, China)

16:45-17:30 Session 7B: Verification: Strategies and Frameworks

          Room: 4F 401B [Hybrid]

          Session Chair: Vivek Kant (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)

          16:45  Cognitive Load Management for Planning and Executing Verification

                     Strategies. Sukhwan Jung and Alejandro Salado (University of Arizona, USA)

          17:00  Verification Complexity: Definitions, Measurements, and Indicators.

                     Sukhwan Jung and Alejandro Salado (University of Arizona, USA)

          17:15  Exploring A Verification Complexity Framework. Sukhwan Jung and

                     Alejandro Salado (University of Arizona, USA)

18:15-20:15  Joint INCOSE-IEA Banquet Dinner

          Room: 5F Tamna