Event Schedule

Jointly organized with

Tuesday 27 August 2024             Wednesday 28 August 2024         Thursday 29 August 2024

09:00-10:00  Session 8. Keynote

            Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

            Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Guy André Boy (HSI2024 Program Co-Chair, France)

            Taking measure of Human Systems Integration: A view from NASA

            Dr. Cynthia Null (NASA Ames Research Center, USA)

10:00-10:15. Break & Posters

Parallel Sessions

10:15-11:45  Session 9A: Design: Interfaces, User-centered design, and challenges

         Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

         Session Chair: Paul Lambertson (Boeing, USA)

         10:15  Supporting Means-Ends Reasoning In Cybersecurity-critical Case

                    Management Using Integrated Ecological Interface Design Process.

                     Rohit Negi, Abhinaya Paranikumar, Aparna Singh, and Vivek Kant (Indian

                     Institute of Technology Kanpur, India)

          10:45  Systems Analysis Using the Vee Model and Concept of Operations in

                     Human Systems Integration. Paul Lambertson and Carrie Lin (Boeing, USA)

          11:00  User-Centered Design in Manufacturing: An Evaluation of Predictive and

                     Reliability Displays. Ivan Garcia and Emilia Villani (Instituto Tecnologico de

                     Aeronautica, Brasil)

          11:15  Enabling Seamless Operation: Design Challenges. Avi Harel (Ergolight, Israel)

10:15-11:45  Session 9B: HSI Primer Writing Workshop

           Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

           Session organizer: Grace Kennedy (Acmena Group, Australia)

11:45-13:15  Session 10: Lunch & Posters

Parallel Sessions

13:15-14:45  Sesson 11A: MBSE: Case Studies: HSI influences and Analysis

         Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

         Session Chair: Romain Pinquié (Grenoble Alpes Uni., CNRS, France)

                       Co-Chair: Dimitri Masson (ESTIA, France)

         13:15  The Influence of Human-Systems Integration on “Fuzzy Front End” of

                    Innovation: A MedTech Case Study. Yaroslav Menshenin and Romain Pinquié

                    (Grenoble Institute of Technology, France)

         13:45  Accident Case Study Analysis of Developmental Automated Driving System

                    Collison (Part I). Sanjeev Appicharla (The Institution of Engineering and

                    Technology, UK)

         14:15  Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Enterprise Architecture

                    Framework (EAF) with Human System Integration (HSI) – A Smart-City (SC)

                    Case Study. Sarah Rudder (Colorado State University & Enola, USA)

13:15-14:45  Sesson 11B: Aviation-2: Analysis and Evaluation

         Room: 4F 401B [Hybrid]

         Session Chair: Wei Tan (Civil Aviation University of China, China)

                       Co-Chair: Prof. Dr. Guy André Boy (HSI2024 Program Co-Chair, France)

         13:15  Human Reliability Analysis of Single-Pilot Operations Based on Improved

                    CREAM Method. Wei Tan, Jiaqi Li and Zongxu Cheng (Civil Aviation University

                    of China, China)

         13:45  Multi-temporal Operational Efficiency Evaluation of Approach Control

                    System Based on VIKOR. Zhaoning Zhang, Yuying Fan and Jimin Liu (Civil

                    Aviation University of China, China)

         14:15  Pilot’s roles in the Urban Air Mobility: individual capabilities for safety and

                    security enterprise concerns. Raquel Hoffmann, Hidekazu Nishimura and

                    Rodrigo Calhau (Keio University, Japan)

14:45-15:00. Break & Posters

15:00-16:30  Session 12: Sociotechnical Systems: Organizational assessment & Change

          Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

          Session Chair: Alexandre Disdier (CentraleSupélec, ESTIA & CS Group, France)

                                  Co-Chair: Dimitri Masson (ESTIA, France)

          15:00  A time-based approach for understanding human performance risks

                     associated with technology change: A integrative framework. Belinda Cham,

                     Alexandra Boeing, Katrina Hosszu, Mark Griffin and Karina Jorritsma

                     (Curtin University, Australia)

           15:30  A Planning and Readiness Framework for Organisational Systems Change

                      within Human Systems Integration. Grace Kennedy (Acmena Group,


           16:00  Soft Skills for Hard Missions: Ethnographic Insights of Mars 2020 Space

                      Operation Team Dynamics. Thomas Chan, Basak Ramaswamy,

                      Jeremy Argueta, Ana Patino and Alexandria Christoforatos (Jet Propulsion

                      Laboratory - NASA, USA) and So Young Kim (Collins Aerospace)

16:30-16:45. Break & Posters

Parallel Sessions

16:45-18:15 Session 13A:  Human-Centered AI and Blockchain Integration: Pioneering

                                             Automation for Future Design

              Room: 4F 401A [Hybrid]

16:40-18:15  Session 13B: Invited Panel.  

                                             Bridging sociotechncial system approaches with HSI Design:

                                             Conceptual Models, Frameworks and Challenges

               Room: 4F 401B [Hybrid]

               Co-chairs: Prof. Dr. Michelle M. Robertson and Dr. So Young Kim

               Panelists: Dr. Elina Parviainen; Prof. Dr. Andrew Thatcher, Prof. Dr. Gretchen Macht,

                                Dr. Emauel Robinson, Dr. Mica Endsley, Prof. Dr. Jan Dul