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INCOSE HSI & Others...
The following links are useful for exploring HSI and related disciplines:
- ACM-SIGCHI: Human-Computer Interaction, AI and so on... see what we published in 1999
- IEA-Aerospace TC: Human Factors & Ergonomics
- INCOSE-HSI WG: The Human Element in Systems Engineering
Professor Guy André Boy, FlexTech chair holder has been named INCOSE Fellow in 2021. He is thus recognized as an exceptional contributor (among 80 in the world and the 2nd in France) for his contributions in Systems Engineering (SE) and more specifically to the Human Systems Integration (HSI) field.
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) is a non-profit organization dedicated to SE promotion, development, and use among systems engineers worldwide. INCOSE's mission is to foster the definition, understanding and practice of systems engineering in industry, academia and government.
INCOSE Fellows are individuals who have made significant and verifiable contributions to SE art and practice in industry, government, or academia. The award recognizes practitioners in public and private service who apply their knowledge and contribute to the practice of systems engineering by designing, developing, and/or acquiring systems, researchers who develop new knowledge and advance theory, and educators who disseminate their knowledge and train the next generation of top SE professionals and scientists.
INCOSE is designed to connect SE professionals with educational, networking, and career-advancement opportunities in the interest of developing the global community of systems engineers and systems approaches to problems. We are also focused on producing state-of-the-art work products that support and enhance this discipline’s visibility in the world. INCOSE’s goals are:
• To provide a focal point for dissemination of systems engineering knowledge.
• To promote international collaboration in SE practice, education, and research.
• To assure competitive, and professional standards in SE practice.
• To improve the professional status of all persons engaged in SE practice.
• To encourage governmental and industrial support for research and educational
programs that will improve SE process and practice.
INCOSE’s community includes leaders of organizations, practitioners, students, and others serving this community that includes educators, researchers, professional organizations, standards bodies, and tool vendors. INCOSE considers our continuously changing environment to be more responsive to stakeholders and become more competitive. INCOSE addresses the digital transformation, sustainability, smart systems and complexity growth, and advancements in modeling, simulation, and visualization.INCOSE is a worldwide organization that gathers more than 19,000 members, 65 chapters, 50 working groups, and around 4,000 certified professionals.
INCOSE publication and activity support:
• Systems Engineering Journal (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15206858)
• Systems Engineering Handbook (5th Edition in 2023)
• International Symposium (every year)
• International Workshop (every year)
• HSI Worldwide Conference (2019, 2021, 2024)
• HSI Worldwide Workshop (2020, 2022)
• Webinars
• Potential of ~700 participants in INCOSE HSI WG involved in the development of
the HSI discipline worldwide (24 countries)