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The Blog

1 March 2024. FlexTech-2: towards maturity in human systems integration. White paper by G.A. Boy

10 April 2022. Model-Based Human Systems Integration. Published in the Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering, A.M. Madni & N. Augustine (Eds.). Springer, USA.

16 November 2021: Socioergonomics . Paper presented by G.A. Boy at the 2021 HSI International Conference (Virtual).

27 October 2021: L'Envoyé Spatial - Thomas Pesquet. Echange avec l'Astronaute Jean-Jacques Favier et le Professeur Guy André Boy, MonCiné, Anglet, Pays Basque.

7 May 2021: Clarficiation of the term "ergonomics". Short note by Guy A. Boy

30 April 2021: Presentation of FlexTech Chair. Work in progress, by G.A. Boy

18 April 2021: Heteronomy and machine learning. Short note by Guy A. Boy
