Human-AI Teaming

FlexTech International Industrial Spring School

May 29-31, 2024 - Biarritz, France

Tom McDermott


Lecture. Systems Engineering in the Age of Human-Machine Teaming


   The exponential growth in applications of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine automation have started to and will continue to shift the practice of systems engineering and its subdisciplines. For the past 30 years, new types of systems have been evolving that are more adaptable, more interconnected, and more distributed in their scope and governance. Now we are introducing learning-based systems and operationally interactive human-machine adaptive teaming. Systems engineering (SE) in practice has traditionally assumed designs will persist indefinitely when conducting analysis at design decision points. SE in practice has also traditionally segregated the human from the engineered system as a design principle in these decisions. Neither of these practices can persist any longer. There is significant value in considering the human and AI as a team as we move forward with SE methods and tools, as a systems view of distributed, adaptable and interconnected human-AI teams will improve the overall practice of SE. Human-systems integration must move to the forefront of SE practice, at least as it is used to determine system architecture, design, test, and lifecycle considerations. Using the AI and Autonomy for SE research roadmap developed by the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC), this lecture will discuss the expected evolution of AI technology, its use in automation and human-AI teaming, how the practice of SE is changing to reflect this, and the implications of these for workforce development.

Bio. Tom McDermott is the Chief Technology Officer of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC) and a faculty member in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ. With the SERC he develops new research strategies and is leading research on digital transformation, education, security, and artificial intelligence applications. He previously held roles as Faculty and Director of Research at Georgia Tech Research Institute and Director and Integrated Product Team Manager at Lockheed Martin. Mr. McDermott teaches system architecture, systems and critical thinking, and engineering leadership. He provides executive level consulting as a systems engineering and organizational strategy expert. He is a fellow of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) and recently completed 3 years as INCOSE Director of Strategic Integration.







